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Circa 1860s

Traveled the Missouri River from St Louis to St Joseph, a total distance of 561 miles, in 61 hours
At the time, it was the fastest trip made from St Louis to St Joseph

Circa 1920

This is a photograph taken in 1920 of the trading post built by Native Americans for Joseph Robidoux. Robidoux was primarily a fur trader and entrepreneur who encouraged other businessmen to move to Northwest Missouri
Photo supplied by Terry Plumb

Circa 1938

The Platte Purchase Centennial was held in 1938 to celebrate the 1837 addition of what would eventually become Buchanan, Andrew, Atchison, Holt, Nodaway and Platte Counties
This is a painting depicting the treaty signing in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. It was painted by George Gray.
This painting once hung in the now demolished Hotel Robidoux in St Joseph
Photo supplied by Terry Plumb

Circa 1839

Erected in 1839 commemorating the Platte Purchase
Photo submitted by Roger Seward

1 2

Circa 1940
Pony Express 80th Anniversary

To commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the Pony Express, the U.S. Postal Service issued a 3 cent stamp in 1940


Circa 1850

1 2 3 JOSEPH ROBIDOUX HOUSE4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Circa (1783-1868)
Founder of St Joseph

Joseph Robidoux IV(1783-1868)
Joseph Robidoux IV was the oldest of the six sons of Joseph Robidoux III
Joseph Robidoux IV was born in Saint Louis on August 5, 1783
Joseph Robidoux IV was the grandson of Joseph Robidoux who was born in Laprairie, Québec in 1722
He spent most of his childhood in St. Louis, Missouri, where his father introduced him and his brothers Francois, Pierre Isidore, Antoine, Louis, and Michael to the fur trade at an early age.
In 1799, at the age of 16, young Joseph began accompanying fur traders up the Missouri River.
In 1813, Joseph Robidoux IV married Angelique Vaudry, with whom he had six sons and a daughter:
Faraon, Julius, Francis, Felix, Edmond, Charles and Sylvanie
In 1826, he was hired by the American Fur Company to establish a trading post in the Blacksnake Hills
The Blacksnake Hill was near the site of present-day Saint Joseph
He remained their employee for four years, at the salary of $1,800 a year, before becoming an independent trader. The Blacksnake Hills Trading Post eventually developed into the town of St. Joseph, Missouri
This trading post was a center for his family enterprise of fur trading, which he operated with his five brothers
Built prior to 1830, Robidoux's home was located on the northwest corner of 2nd & Jules Streets in Saint Joseph
In 1843, Mr. Robidoux hired two men, Frederick W. Smith and Simeon Kemper, to design a town for him
Under Kemper's plan the town was to have been called Robidoux, a feature Kemper thought would appeal to the trader
Mr. Robidoux preferred Smith's plan, as it featured more narrow streets, thus leaving more land for him to sell in the form of lots
Plans for the town were filed with the clerk of Common Pleas in St. Louis on July 26, 1843
Shortly thereafter, Robidoux began selling lots, with corner lots going for $150.00 and interior lots $100.00
Saint Joseph prospered quickly in the years after its founding, growing from a population of 800 in 1846 to 8,932 in 1860
Joseph Robidoux built a home at 411 Edmond Street and remained a prominent citizen
His early trading offices are known as Robidoux Row; the complex is listed in the National Register of Historic Places
Robidoux Row, located at 219-225 East Poulin Street, was built by Joseph Robidoux in the late 1840s or early 1850s
He led in many development issues until his death in 1868 at the age of 85
He named the downtown streets after his children and his second wife Angelique

Photo #1 - Joseph Robidoux drawing in his younger years
Photo #2 - Joseph Robidoux in his older years
Photo #3 - Joseph Robidoux in his older years
Photo #4 - Joseph Robidoux house at 2nd & Jules Street
Photo #5 - St Joseph News-Press photo, model of proposed statue of Joseph Robidoux
Photo #6 - Robidoux Row
Photo #7 - Robidoux Row
Photo #8 - Robidoux Row
Photo #9 - Joseph Robidoux Gravestone
Photo #10 - Joseph Robidoux Gravestone

Circa (1794-1868)

John Patee was born on Aug. 8, 1794 and died on Feb. 13, 1868

In 1856-1858, Mr Patee paid $180,000 to have the Patee Hotel built
The Patee Hotel had 140 guest rooms

In 1860-1861, it was the headquarters of the Pony Express

During the Civil War it contained the U.S. Provost Marshal's office
It was also a recruiting office for the Union Army

In 1865, John Patee held a raffle to dispose of the hotel for needed cash
In order for the raffle to be held, all tickets had to be sold
John Patee had to purchase the last 100 tickets himself
On April 28, 1865, John Patee had the winning ticket and won back his own hotel

The Patee Hotel is now listed as a National Historic Landmark

In 2008, selected as one of "America's Top Ten Western Museums" by True West Magazine
It is also listed in "1,000 Places to See in the USA before You Die"

Since it's creation, the Patee Hotel has contained:
  • Patee Hotel 1858-1865
  • Patee Female College 1865-1868
  • Patee Hotel (again) 1869-1872
  • St. Joseph Female College 1875-1880
  • World's Hotel & Epileptic Sanitorium 1881-1883
  • R. L. McDonald Factory 1885-1933
  • Sun Garment Factory 1933-1953
  • H. D. Lee Co. 1953-1957
  • Vacant 1957-1963
  • Patee House Museum 1965-present

  • Circa (1808-1870)

    John Corby was born in Limerick, Ireland, June 24, 1808

    In 1843, Mr. Corby settled in St Joseph which was a trading post at the time

    His first venture in St Joseph was in dry goods sales

    In 1856 he was elected mayor of St. Joseph

    Mr. Corby was one of the originators of the Hannibal & St Joseph Railroad

    He made large investments in real estate which resulted in large returns

    Mr Corby was in the banking business until his death on May 9,1870

    In 1864, became the director of the State National Bank until his passing in 1870

    Circa (1822-1904)
    Circa (1824-1913)
    Circa (1861-?)

    Henry Krug was the eldest of the two brothers
    Henry Krug was born on March 21, 1822 in Spielmas, Germany
    William Krug was born on July 25, 1824 in Spielmas, Germany
    William Krug never married
    In 1849, Henry Krug came to America, William a few years later
    In 1855, Henry & William lived in Gallatin MO having a stock raising business
    In 1859, the brothers engaged in the grocery business in St Joseph & Denver
    William Krug had escaped death by indian attacks numerous times
    From 1868-1871, they had a meat packing business at 4th & Mary in St Joseph
    In 1871, the brothers operated The Henry Krug & Company in Weston, MO
    In 1873, they erected a packing plant at 4th & Monterey in St Joseph
    From 1873-1904, this was the Henry Krug Packing Company of St Joseph
    In 1904, the packing company was sold to Union Terminal Packing Company
    In 1876, Henry Krug organized the Union Street Railway Company
    It was one of the first electric street railway systems
    It was the 2nd in the United States to be operated by electricity
    It was the 1st system to be run with the trolley pole beneath the wire
    In 1890, the company was absorbed by the Peoples Street Railway
    In 1887, Henry Krug became president of the German-American Bank of St Joseph
    In 1904, Henry Krug died and William Krug became president of the bank
    In 1889, Henry Krug donated a 20 acre tract of land as Krug Park
    Krug Park was officially open to the public on May 6, 1902
    Krug Park had a conservatory with flower displays, formally designed beds
    It also had at one time a zoo, greenhouses, botanical gardens, gazebos, the Robidoux cabin, a fountain, and a lily pond
    William Krug died on September 3, 1913
    Henry Krug, Jr was born on July 9, 1861
    1887-1913, an organizer & Vice President of the German-American Bank
    1887, he was one of the orgranizers of the St Joseph Stock Yards Company
    In 1892, he married Selma Hegner, they lived at 1105 Krug Park Place
    In 1936, Henry Krug Jr donated 140 more acres for the expansion of Krug Park
    This was the largest donation ever made to the city

    Circa (1830-?)

    A dealer in tinware and groceries, Charles H. Seaman was born in 1830 in England where he learned to work with tin. After living in New York City for 15 years, he came west to St Joseph in 1870
    He opened a tin shop in the 1600 block of Frederick Avenue
    Like many other merchants, he conducted at several businesses on Frederick Avenue
    He and his son, Charles H. Seaman, built a highly successful business
    The son, a partner in the firm of Seaman and Schuske, constructed a two-story building with an elaborate cast metal storefront in 1899
    This building still exists in nearly pristine condition at 1604 Frederick Avenue

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    Circa 1849
    Circa 1908
    308-324 North 4th Street

    Tootle-Campbell Dry Goods Company was founded in 1849 by Milton Tootle, Sr., to supply gold rush prospectors. By 1928 the wholesale dry goods company had grown to serve over eleven states and employ 450 people. The company handled dry goods, furnishing goods, notions, rugs, and linoleum.
    A new fireproof building was built in 1908 (308-324 N. Fourth Street) and was designed for maximum efficiency and speedy handling of orders. In addition to the jobbing business, the Tootle-Campbell Company operated a large factory two blocks south where 250 people were employed in the manufacture of men's work clothing
    (1908, E.J. Eckel with Ames & Young) Warehouse/Light Manufacturing Facility.
    Classical Revival style. Eight story brick building with Neoclassical ornamentation. Projected copper cornice with dentil masonry pattern. Eighthstory bays separated by large terra cotta panels with fanciful decoration.
    All stories with nine window bays with decorative continuous surround of terra cotta; 1/1 Chicagostyle sash. Projected entablature of terra cotta with wave pattern and egg and dart bed mould between second and third stories. Stringcourse of terra cotta as continuous lintel to second story openings. Cartouche at extreme corners of building at second story level.

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    Circa 1857
    A. M. SAXTON
    402 Felix
    Circa 1859
    402 Felix

    Established in 1857, this was the State Savings Bank, A. M. Saxton was the president
    By May, 1881, Saxton had withdrawn from the corporation. C. B. France was elected president, R. L. McDonald was chosen vice-president, and E. Lindsay cashier. The bank had a capital of $100,000 and surplus of $75,000
    The bank retained its state charter until 1890 when it was made a national bank
    In 1899, the Missouri Valley Trust Company took over the building
    Missouri Valley Trust Company is located at the SE corner of 4th & Felix
    The Missouri Valley Trust Company is still in operation in 2015

    Photo #1 - Current photo
    Photo #2 - Current photo
    Photo #3 - Current photo
    Photo #4 - Current photo
    Photo #5 - Current photo
    Photo #6 - 1940's black & white photo
    Photo #7 - The beautiful interior
    Photo #8 - Circa 1907 photo
    Photo #9 - The vault
    Photo #10 - Beautiful teller window
    Photo #11 - Early 1900's photo
    Photo #12 - 1875 Advertisement
    Photo #13 - 1878 Advertisement

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    Circa 1864
    302-308 South 3rd Street
    Circa 1898
    302-308 South 3rd Street
    Circa 1901
    402-408 South 3rd Street
    Circa 1918
    402-408 South 3rd Street
    Letts-Spencer & Company bought out Turner, Frazer & Company in 1898; Turner, Frazer & Company, a wholesale grocery business, had been established in 1864 in St. Joseph. Letts, Spencer & Co. was originally located in a large building on South Third Street (302-308 S. Third). In 1901 the company constructed a new building at 402-408 N. Third Street. By 1918 the company had merged with another wholesale grocery concern and was known as Letts Parker Grocery Company.
    (1882, Eckel and Mann) Warehouse/Light Manufacturing Facility. Late Nineteenth Century/Eclectic. Four story brick building. Front facade and lateral corner bays richly textured with elaborate terra cotta cornices and spandrels between the second and fourth stories with vegetation, and animal and human face details; denticulated, corbeled, and sawtooth molded stringcourses; varied fenestration with 2- light lower sash and ornately mullioned upper sash; raised brick label molds above radiating brick arches; and raised brick pilasters with capitals. Original storefront of cast metal intact with fluted engaged columns capped by composite capitals and large plate glass sash with transoms; south bay infilled with wood, but opening maintained. Brick penthouse to north. North and west (rear) elevations are intact with 2/2 sash; fullwidth covered concrete load dock spans west elevation. Painted signs "Sheridan Clayton Paper Company" and "Wholesale Stationers & Paper Dealers" on west elevation.
    Turner-Frazer Grocery and Letts-Spencer was located here before Sheridan-Clayton Paper
    This landmark calibre structure is an outstanding and well preserved example of Victorian Eclecticism. It was constructed for the Turner, Frazer Company, wholesale grocers, in 1882, the same year as its neighbor to the south, Nave and McCord,also wholesale These two structures as well the C.D. Smith building across the street were all designed by the prominent firm of Eckel and Mann, and create a triumvirate worthy of the National Register of Historic Places. The Sheridan-Clayton Paper Company moved into this building in 1904.

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    Circa 1885-1935
    A. M. SAXTON
    4th & Francis

    In 1885, this bank was located on the northeast corner of 4th & Francis
    At the time, it was the largest bank in St Joseph
    Photos #4 & 5 are the lion statues once located at the entrance
    Photo #6 is Abe Saxton's home

    Circa (1823-1887)

    Milton Tootle, Sr was a dry goods merchant born in Ohio
    Mr Tootle moved to Saint Joseph in the early 1840s
    From 1850 to 1873, he was a partner with William G. Fairleigh as Tootle & Fairleigh Dry Goods
    In 1887, Mr Tootle owned Tootle, Craig & Company Dry Goods
    In 1890, Mr Tootle owned Tootle, Wheeler & Motter Merchantile
    In 1908, Milton Tootle, Jr and C. W. Campbell incorporated the Tootle-Campbell Dry Goods Company

    1 2

    Circa (1826-1876)
    Meriwether Jeff Thompson

    Moved to St. Joseph in 1848, beginning as a store clerk before taking up surveying and serving as the city engineer
    He later supervised the construction of the western branch of the Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad
    He married Emma Hayes in 1848. Thompson served as St. Joseph mayor from 1857-1860
    He presided over the ceremony inaugurating the first ride of the Pony Express on April 3, 1860
    Thompson also gained national attention in May, 1861, when he cut down a union flag from the St. Joseph post office flag pole and threw it down to an angry crowd of southern sympathizers who shredded it to pieces

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    Circa 1889

    Eugene Field memorialized St. Joseph in a poem entitled "Lover's Lane, Saint Jo", which was written between 1889 and 1890 and first published in the London Times. Before achieving fame as a poet, Field married Julia Comstock of St. Joseph in 1873. Two years later, he and his young wife returned to st. Joseph, where he worked as a reporter and city editor for the St. Joseph Gazette. During his eighteen months on the Gazette, he and his wife lived at a boarding house at 425 North Eleventh Street, which is located in the Frederick Avenue and Twelfth Street Historic District. Field, who was named as St. Joseph's "poet of the year" for 1875, later achieved international fame as the "children's poet". His most beloved poem, "Little Boy Blue", is commemorated by a statue at the St. Joseph Public Library.

    1015 Faraon1 2 1015 Faraon3

    Circa 1890
    1015-1031 Faraon

    William M. Wyeth (1832-1901), born Harrisburg, PA, in 1832 came to St. Joseph in 1859, the same year as the completion of the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad.
    With $5,000 in stock he commenced what would grow into the giant Wyeth Hardware Company.
    In 1890, Wyeth built the "Wyeth Flats" at where 11th Street, Frederick Avenue and Faraon meet
    This building was one of three which he built, one being the location of the St. Joseph Museum at 12th & Charles
    View of Oak Center apartments at 1015 Faraon, now called the San Regis Apartments

    1833 St Joseph

    Circa 1833

    This is a painting made in 1833 by Karl Bodmer of Blacksnake Hills
    when Joseph Robidoux built his 1st house

    Circa 1843
    Frederick W. Smith

    The population of St Joseph in 1843 was about two hundred
    The primary business was along the river bank, near the mouth of the Blacksnake Creek
    The larger portion of the proposed town site was then used as a hemp field
    As soon as the crop was harvested Robidoux had surveys and plats made by two rival surveyors, Frederick W. Smith and Simeon Kemper
    Smith named his plat "St. Joseph" and Kemper named his "Robidoux"
    Smith's plat was selected, taken to St. Louis and recorded on July 26, 1843
    The history of St. Joseph therefore began on July 26, 1843
    Frederick W. Smith became the 9th mayor of St Joseph from 1861-1862

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    Circa 1847

    Jesse Woodson James (September 5, 1847-April 3, 1882)
    Jesse James was an American outlaw, gang leader, bank robber, train robber, murderer and the most famous member of the James-Younger Gang

    In 1881 Jesse rented a house in St Joseph at 1318 Lafayette Street
    On April 3, 1882 the Fords and James prepared for another robbery
    They readied their horses and went back into the house
    Noticing a dusty picture on the wall, he stood on a chair to clean it
    Bob Ford shot Jesse James in the back of the head killing him
    Jesse's body was positively identified by 2 previous bullet wounds and a partially missing middle finger
    The death of Jesse James became a national sensation
    Bob Ford made no attempt to hide his role in the killing
    Crowds swarmed to the little house in St. Joseph to see the dead bandit
    Robert Ford was sentanced to hang but he was pardoned
    Jesse James house has been located in 3 different locations over the years
    Originally, Jesse James house was located at 1318 Lafayette Street which was pretty much unrefined countryside back in the 1800's
    In 1939, the house was moved to the busy Belt Highway location beside the Jesse James service station and an admission was charged to see the inside of the house
    In 1977, the house was moved to the Patee House Museum at 12th and Penn
    This is only two blocks away from its original location
    The house has been restored to help preserve it

    Metropole Hotel1 Metropole Hotel2 Metropole Hotel3 Metropole Hotel4 Metropole Hotel5 Metropole Hotel6 Metropole Hotel7 Metropole Hotel8 Metropole Hotel9 Metropole Hotel10 Metropole Hotel11 Metropole Hotel12 Metropole Hotel13 Metropole Hotel14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

    Circa 1859
    218-224 North 3rd Street
    Circa 1889
    218-224 North 3rd Street
    Circa 1900
    218-224 North 3rd Street
    218-224 North 3rd Street
    218-224 North 3rd Street

    Demolished during Urban Renewal

    John J. Abell, Jr. came to St Joseph in 1854 when St Joseph's population was about 1500 people. He started a boarding house on Jule Street, afterwards buying and operating the Planter's House on the corner of Main and Francis Street.
    After several years, he sold the Planter's House entered into a company called The Pacific Hotel Company which had built the old Pacific House hotel on 3rd Street, between Felix and Francis Streets around 1859. For 15 years after it was formally opened. Mr Abell was in charge of the hotel as proprietor
    During all these years, it maintained a good reputation and was considered one of the best hotels in the West. After a time, Mr Abell sold the hotel
    It was reopened and kept open for some time by Loundsberry
    Shackleford and Hughes soon after succeeded him in the proprietorship
    In 1865, William K. Richardson was keeping the house
    He was succeeded by James H. Bagwell, who continued to keep it till December 15, 1868
    In 1868, it was totally destroyed by fire.
    In the following summer, it was rebuilt, with its main front on Third Street
    On February 14, 1870, it was opened by Garth, Gilkey & Abell.
    Two years after, Garth retired from the partnership
    Gilkey & Abell continued the business till the expiration of their lease in December, 1879
    In 1879, the building was once again closed for repairs.
    The sum of $10,000 was expended for this purpose.
    April 1, 1880, Kitchen Bros. proprietors opened the best house ever kept in a building.
    One of the city's oldest hotels and had 75 rooms
    The Hotel was renamed to the Bacon House Hotel in 1889
    Enos E Bacon, was the proprietor of the Bacon House Hotel
    Mr Bacon operated the hotel from 1889 until his death in 1895
    It later became the Metropole Hotel
    It then later became the Woodland Hotel and later the Jesse James Hotel
    In 1945, the Pioneer room was added to the Jesse James Hotel
    The hotel was located at 218-224 North 3rd Street
    (3rd & Jules)
    The building was demolished in 1972 in order to make another parking lot for Wyeth Company
    A parking lot currently exists at this location

    Photo #2 - 1920 photo
    Photo #3 - 1905 photo
    Photo #4 - Postcard
    Photo #6 - 1938 newspaper photo
    Photo #8 - 1901 postcard
    Photo #9 - main lobby (gorgeous - look at the ceiling)
    Photo #10 - Metropole Advertisement
    Photo #11 - A very good photo of the Metropole
    Photo #22 was taken 1882-1883
    Photo #22 - submitted by Andrew Poage
    Photo #27 - 1945 St Joseph News Press advertisement

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    Circa 1882
    Circa 10/21/2016
    Destroyed by fire
    310-324 South 3rd

    Nave & McCord Mercantile Company was established in 1846 under the firm name of Nave & McCord
    In 1857, Nave, McCord & Co. began an exclusive wholesale grocery business, and in 1880 incorporated as The Nave & McCord Mercantile Company.
    By 1882, their expanding business required a new large facility. This building at 310 S. Third Street was built in 1882. The company also operated the "Mokaska Mills", originally a coffee roasting and distributing plant, which soon expanded to the manufacturing of flavoring abstracts, baking powders, ground, spices, and a general line of grocers' and druggists' sundries
    The building was located across the street from CD Smith Drug Company
    Abram Nave and James McCord, who were brother-in-laws, formed the wholesale grocery company Nave, McCord & Company in 1857 in St. Joseph, Missouri
    By 1860, the company had expanded its operations over an extensive territory and branch offices were soon opened in Omaha, Nebraska and Kansas City, Missouri
    In later years Mitchelhill Seed Company occupied this building
    After being vacant for many years, there were plans of trying to turn the building into lofts
    Unfortunately, on October 21, 2016, sometime after the sun went down, the building was engulfed in fire
    The building adjacent to the north of it was also destroyed
    Luckily, the old Sheridan-Clayton building at 302 South 3rd was lightly scorched and only suffered some major smoke damage

    1 2 3 4 5

    Circa 1882
    Dr. Jacob Geiger
    2501 Frederick Avenue
    Dr. Jacob Geiger Mansion
    2501 Frederick Avenue
    Maud Wyeth Painter Residence
    2501 Frederick Avenue
    United Missouri Bank of St. Joseph
    2501 Frederick Avenue

    A native of Germany, Dr. Jacob Geiger graduated from Louisville University in 1872 and subsequently practiced medicine in st. Joseph. In 1882, he was coroner of st. Joseph, and in that capacity he performed the autopsy on Jesse James. An eminent physician and a prominent local citizen, he was a member of the St. Joseph Medical Society, the American Medical Society, the Missouri Valley Medical Association, and the International Medical Congress. He also served terms as a member on the st. Joseph Board of Trade and City Council and as editor of the st. Joseph Medical Herald. In 1911-1912, Dr. Geiger built an English Gothic Revival mansion at the corner of 25th and Frederick, which was then the edge of the city. Before building this elegant home, he had in the Wyeth Flats.
    United Missouri Bank purchased the property and turned it into a bank
    In 2011, United Missouri Bank gave the building to the city of St Joseph
    The city had planned on turning the building into a fire station but later decided not to do so
    The building has since sold and contains a cafe
    Photo #5 is a overview of Dr Geiger's life

    Circa 1853
    by F. VERLEGER

    Circa 1977

    The Patee House can be seen in photo #3, top left corner

    1 2 3

    Circa 1859

    The Patee House can be seen in photo #3, top left corner

    1 2 3

    Circa 1860
    51 Edmond Street
    225 Edmond Street
    Demolished during Urban Renewal

    Rudolph Uhlman was born April 5, 1829, at Chemnitz, Saxonia, Germany
    Mr Uhlman died in Hot Springs, Arkansas on March 23, 1898
    Uhlman immigrated to the United States in 1853 and in 1860 he settled in St Joseph
    He foreclosed on someone who owed him money and took over a photography gallery in exchange for money owed
    From 1864 to 1866, Uhlman had a partner by the name of Rippel. They owned the Uhlman & Rippel Photographic Gallery located at 51 Edmond Street
    At one point, Uhlman had a gallery on the north side of Market Square around 3rd Street
    They advertised "Pictures from the smallest to the largest"
    They also offered "Copying done to the utmost perfection"
    Around 1880, the gallery was located at 225 Edmond
    In 1887, it was located on Frederick between 12th & 13th Street
    In 1889, it was located at 518 North 12th
    In 1890, it was listed at the northwest corner of 5th & Felix
    The gallery became very successful and moved around quite often
    In 1882, Mr Uhlman photographed the corpse of Jesse James at McFadden's mortuary in St Joseph

    Circa (1860-1916)

    Alvah Patee Clayton was born in Ashley Ohio on December 27,1860
    He died on November 11, 1916 in St. Joseph, Missouri

    Alvah's mother, Almira (Patee) Clayton brought Alvah to St Joseph in 1865

    He was a student in the Christian Brothers College

    In 1881, worked in a general merchandise trade at 11th & Penn as a member of Skiles, Hull & Clayton

    In 1884, Mr Clayton went on the road for the Beaumont-Sheridan Paper Company until 1886

    For one year he was a traveling salesman for R. T. Davis Milling Company

    In 1888, he bought a one-third interest in the Ashton-Sheridan Paper Company

    The company became the Sheridan-Clayton Paper Company

    John Sheridan retired in 1902, making Mr Clayton president

    His business interests also included:
    Vice President of the Park Bank
    Director of the Bartlett Trust Company
    Director of the Mueller-Keller Candy Company

    1861 St Joseph

    Circa 1861

    This is an artist sketch of St Joseph as it appeared from the Kansas side

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    Circa 1860-1861

    The Pony Express was a mail service that began on April 3, 1860
    The Pony Express had an estimated 80 riders who were traveling east or west along various points of the route at any given time
    In addition to the riders, there were also about 400 other employees
    It was the fastest method of delivering messages, newspapers, mail, and small packages from St. Joseph, Missouri to Sacramento, California at the time
    The riders averaged 12½ miles per hour by horseback, using a series of relay stations between St Joseph and Sacramento
    The Pony Express only lasted 18 months due to the expansion of the railroads
    While in service, the trip from St Joseph to Sacramento took 10 days by horseback
    The 1st Pony Express run was on April 3, 1860
    The service was discontinued in October 1861
    The city of St Joseph has restored the Pony Express stables to help preserve it

    Circa 1861

    The Pony Express had ended by October 1861
    The mail was henceforth carried by the railroads
    This envelope has a St Joseph postmark, dated December 1861

    Circa 1861

    Fort Smith, named after Colonel Robert F. Smith, was erected in September 1861
    It was a safeguard against conflicting armies battling on either side of the state line
    With the strong possibility of battles reaching St. Joseph, Colonel Smith stood ready with his 2,500 troops and 12 cannon poised on the new fortification on Prospect Hill
    By spring of 1862, the Union troops at Fort Smith were downsized
    Over a 10 year period, the fort has been restored and turned into a city park
    St Joseph Memory Lane has an entire section devoted to Fort Smith, it is listed on the main menu
    Fort Smith Park has full-scale authentic reproduction cannons, restored redoubts, a lookout point, period flags, informative signage, and an ordnance shed displaying illustrations of various types of artillery shells used in the conflict. The fort is a passive park, where visitors can come, relax, picnic and see a wonderful view of the city and beyond
    The park is bounded by Prosect Avenue, Bellevue Street and West Michel

    Circa 1862
    Birth of the Gazette Newspaper

    Four different newspaper publications had borne the name of the News
    The first daily evening paper issued in St. Joseph was by Asa K. Miller in 1862
    It was simply called the News and lived about two months
    In 1864 Jacob T. Child and Charles M. Thompson issued, from the Gazette press, a campaign paper called the Evening News
    It was published in the interest of George B. McClellan and expired after the campaign
    The Monday Morning News was started August 20, 1877, by Isaac Pfeiffer
    Colonel Wilkinson took charge of the paper after several issues and it was a hit
    The last issue of the Monday Morning News appeared in June, 1878
    Colonel Wilkinson assumed editorial charge of the Gazette in June 1878
    The Gazette published The Daily Evening News

    Circa 1862

    This is the 9th Missouri State Militia Cavalry, this photo was taken in 1862

    The regiment is standing in formation in St. Joseph while pursuing guerrillas prior to issuance of General Order No. 11

    Colonel Odon Guitar, Capt. Samuel A. Garth, and Capt. James A. Adams are identified

    (Guitar wears a shoulder sash, Garth wears a black hat and light-colored overcoat, Adams has a white mark on left breast)

    Description courtesy of John Oliver

    1 2 11

    Circa 1859
    Market Square
    Circa 1892
    609-623 North 2nd
    Circa 1900
    709-711 North 3rd Street
    Circa 1900
    221-213 North 2nd Street
    Circa 1905
    221-213 North 2nd Street
    Circa 1907
    711-715 North 2nd Street
    Circa 1907
    316-324 N. Second Street
    Circa 1909
    201-211 Jules Street

    Wyeth & Co. was a wholesale dealer in hardware, cutlery, bicycles, and sporting goods and manufactured saddlery goods of all kinds. It started in 1859 in a small building on Market Square and grew rapidly over the next fifty years. In 1892, in order to afford improved facilities for the handling of the rapidly growing business of the company, a five-story building was erected at 609-623 North 2nd Street (outside of this historic district) for the accommodation of the general hardware business, and, in 1899, a four story warehouse was added on North 3rd Street.
    The building at 221-223 North 2nd Street was purchased in 1900 to house the production of collars exclusively. Another building was constructed in 1905 to house the expanding harness and saddle business. A warehouse and barn were built in 1907 at 711-715 North 2nd Street (outside of this historic district) to house the company's horses and hauling equipment.
    In 1909 a new six and one-half acre fireproof shipping warehouse was built at 201-211 Jules Street, which was thoroughly upto-date, efficient, and stylistically related to 316-324 N. Second Street, c. 1908. At that time, the company employed over 500 people, and distributed goods from the Mississippi River to the Pacific coast. Wyeth Hardware operated until 1989
    Huston Wyeth, the son of William M. Wyeth, was born in St Joseph, Missouri on July 8,1863
    Huston Wyeth died January 25,1925

    Huston Wyeth began investing in cattle at age 17

    He attended the Racine Business College in Racine Wisconsin

    After college, Huston worked for the Lyon & Judson Hardware Company

    He later worked at his father's firm, Wyeth Hardware and Manufacturing

    Wyeth Hardware was a large wholesale hardware firm

    The company also made harnesses, saddles and collars

    In 1888, Huston was elected to be the vice-president and director

    When his father died in 1901, Huston became president of the company

    Huston later founded the St. Joseph Artesian Ice and Cold Storage Company

    He founded the Standard Vitrified Brick Company of Coffeyville, Kansas and the Blue Valley Creamery Company

    He also managed a real estate company and was director of several railroad and utility companies

    Huston Wyeth donated property to the city that would become Huston Wyeth Park

    Photo #2 - Stuffed bear Mr Wyeth shot - on display in the showroom

    1 2 3 4 5

    Circa 1861
    3rd & Faraon
    Circa 1872
    209-211 North 3rd Street
    Circa 1897
    401-403 North 3rd Street
    Circa 1909
    409-411 North 3rd Street
    Demolished during Urban Renewal

    The Noyes-Norman Shoe Company was established in 1861 by Charles Noyes
    Noyes-Norman Shoe Co. was a wholesale dealer in boots and shoes, growing out of a firm established in 1861. The company constructed its headquarters at 209-211 N. Third Street in 1872; this building was once part of the Wholesale Row Historic District but has been demolished. By 1897 the company had constructed a new six-story factory building at 401- 403 N. Third Street and in 1909, a warehouse manufacturing building was built at 409-411 North Third Street; only the latter building remains
    The Noyes-Norman Shoe Co. was located on the northeast corner of 3rd and Faraon
    In 1909, a neighboring building located at 415 North 3rd was an expansion of the company
    In modern times, the neighboring building was remodeled into an apartment building called The Lofts
    Currently, the Noyes Norman building is gone, a parking lot occupies this location
    Some of the above information provided by Andrew Poage
    Photo #1 - Building photo
    Photo #2 - 1912 Norman Shoe catalog
    Photo #3 - Company envelope postmarked 1897
    Photo #4 - 1890 business card

    Circa 1866

    A St Joseph News-Press 1866 photo of Edmond Street looking east from 6th Street

    Circa 1867

    St Joseph's 1st High School
    St Joseph became the 2nd city in Missouri to open a public high school. In March 1861, the Board of Public Schools invited Professor Edward B Neely to conduct a public high school in his academic building. Any student who had completed the common schools and who could pay the tuition of one dollar per month was admitted.
    The school operated until June when it was forced to close because of the outbreak of the Civil War. It was re-opened in the fall of 1964
    Photo - 1867 St Joseph City Directory photo

    Circa 1867

    A 20 acre tract of land at the foot of 9th street & Frederick and extending west toward 6th, known as Fowler's Grove, was leased for a term of 10 years and suitable buildings and a race track were at once constructed. The grounds were accessible by two street car lines and also by railroad trains

    The first Interstate fair commenced Monday, September 29, 1879

    Good luck trying to figure out where this was located

    Circa 1868


    Early drawing of the Blacksnake Hills as viewed from the Kansas side

    1 2

    Circa 1868

    2 artist concepts of Fort Smith and St Joseph as it appeared in 1868

    Circa 1869
    Hannibal & St Joseph Railroad's

    This steamboat was owned by the Hannibal & St Joseph Railroad
    Named the "COLORADO" steamboat
    The steamboat traveled the Missouri River between St Joseph and Omaha in 1869

    Circa 1869

    Artist conception of the St Joseph harbor in 1868

    Circa 1870s

    An old photo taken in the 1870's of downtown St Joseph
    The original Buchanan County court house can be seen in the distance

    Circa 1872

    Dr. Reinhold Willman, a St Joseph physician and surgeon, who is also well known as a writer, was born in Erie county, New York, January 12, 1855
    Reinhold, along with his parents and siblings, moved to St Joseph Missouri in 1872
    He was the son of Charles and Francisca Willman, natives of Baden, Germany
    R. Willman worked with his father in the Willman Mercantile Company until 1895
    From 1895 to 1898, he devoted his attention to various business interests
    In 1898, he enrolled into the Ensworth Medical College of St. Joseph
    On March 17, 1902 he graduated with the degree of M. D.
    He passed the required examination which entitled him to enter actively upon the practice of medicine and surgery
    He later opened an office for the practice of medicine and surgery in St. Joseph
    Dr. Willman was a member of the Buchanan County Medical Society and the Missouri State Medical Society

    Circa 1872
    105-107 MARKET SQUARE

    Charles and his wife Francisca were natives of Baden, Germany
    In 1872, Charles Willman moved to St. Joseph, Missouri along with his wife, three sons and a daughter, namely: Reinhold, John N., Leopold and Annie
    In 1880, he established a wholesale fruit and commission business at 105-107 Market square under the name of R. Willman & Company
    In 1885 the company name of Willman Mercantile Company was assumed
    They conducted a wholesale commission business and certain lines of groceries
    In 1895 the business was reorganized as the Willman Fruit Company
    Charles Willman was recognized as one of the progressive merchants of the city
    Mr Willman passed away in St. Joseph, December 28, 1898
    The Willmans are buried in the Mt. Olivet Cemetery in St Joseph MO

    1 Nabisco2 Nabisco3 Nabisco4 Nabisco5 Nabisco6 Nabisco7 Nabisco8 Nabisco9 Nabisco10 Nabisco11 12 13

    Circa 1873
    202-224 Main
    Circa 1873
    202-224 Main
    Circa 1876
    112 South 3rd
    Circa 1890
    202-224 Main
    Circa 1898
    202-224 Main
    Circa 1899
    202-224 Main
    202-224 Main

    Frank L. Sommer owned a candy factory and a wholesale bakery

    In 1873, the Sommer-Richardson Candy Factory was established at 202-224 Main

    In 1876 the F.L. Sommer & Company bakery was located at 112 South 3rd

    Sommer began using baking soda to leaven its wafer thin cracker

    His cracker was initially was called the Premium Soda Cracker

    His cracker would later be called "Saltines" because of the salt component

    His invention quickly became popular and Sommer's business quadrupled within four years

    In 1890, F.L. Sommer merged with other companies & formed American Biscuit Company

    After further mergers, in 1898, it became part of the National Biscuit Company (Nabisco)

    The Holiday Inn Hotel currently occupies the 112 South 3rd address

    Celex Products currently occupies the original building at 202-224 Main

    Photo #1 - 1880's - original factory at 112 South 3rd.
    Photo #2 - His 2nd factory located at 202-224 Main
    Photo #3 - Nabisco factory at 202-224 Main as it looks in 2012
    Photo #4 - Nabisco factory at 202-224 Main as it looks in 2012
    Photo #5 - 1910 Photo of Nabisco factory, horse drawn wagon at dock
    Photo #6 - Nabisco building is currently occupied by Celex Products
    Photo #7 - Nabisco factory at 202-224 Main as it looks in 2013
    Photo #8 - Frank Sommer Home, 914 Main, also known as the Cracker House
    Photo #9 - 1985 photo of the Frank Sommer home at 914 Main
    Photo #10 - Sommer-Richardson Candy Factory at 202-224 Main
    Photo #11 - Advertisement
    Photo #12 - Sommer-Richardson Candy Factory at 202-224 Main
    Photo #13 - Sommer Cracker advertisement

    Circa 1877

    1915 Publication telling about St Joseph having the first trolley in the West

    Circa 1883

    Circa (1872-1946)

    Milton Tootle, Jr was born in St Joseph Missouri in 1872
    1893, partner with the Tootle-Lemon Company
    1899, the company became Tootle-Lemon Bank
    It would later become Tootle-Lemon National Bank
    Milton Tootle, Jr had many other enterprises
    Manager of the Tootle-Campbell Dry Goods Company
    He owned the Tootle Theater, one of the finest in the country
    Director of Tootle, Wheeler & Motter Merchantile
    President of Tootle-Kessler Millinery
    Vice-President of Buell Manufacturing
    Director of St Joseph Gas Company
    President of the Tootle Estate
    He was a member of the Benton Club
    He was one of the founders of the St Joseph Country Club
    He lived in the Tootle House (St Joseph Museum) until his death in 1946
    William L. Goetz purchased the house and donated it to the St. Joseph Museum

    Railroad Bridge1 2 Railroad Bridge3 Railroad Bridge4 Railroad Bridge5 Railroad Bridge6 Railroad Bridge7 Railroad Bridge8 Railroad Bridge9 Railroad Bridge10 Railroad Bridge11

    Circa 1873

    This was the first railroad bridge built to cross the Missouri River at St Joseph

    It was built by the St. Joseph Bridge Building Company

    The bridge opened on May 20, 1873

    The St. Joseph & Denver City Railroad made the initial crossing

    The original bridge had six piers with three spans of 300 feet and one fixed span of 80 feet

    It had a draw span of 365 feet making the total span 1,345 feet long

    On June 16, 1879, the bridge was transferred to another party and operated under the name of the St. Joseph & Grand Island Railroad Company

    The bridge was primarily used by the Union Pacific railroad

    The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway and Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad also had trackage rights to the bridge

    In 1903, construction began on a new steel swing bridge, it was completed in 1906

    Although the bridge today is totally covered by rust, it is still operational

    Photo #1 - 1875 article about the bridge
    Photo #2 - Newspaper article about rebuilding of the bridge beginning in 1903-1904
    Photo #3 - 1873 postcard
    Photo #4 - Looking down the tracks
    Photo #5 - View with the bridge swung open
    Photo #6 - Old photo with bridge swung open
    Photo #7 - 1937 photo of locomotive on the bridge
    Photo #8 - Late 1990's view of the bridge
    Photo #9 - Late 1990's view of the bridge
    Photo #10 - Late 1990's view of the bridge
    Photo #11 - Aerial view with the bridge swung open

    1 2 3 4

    Circa 1873

    Beginning in 1873, Jack Ring patrolled the Missouri River banks for one mile. Jack Ring saved 300 lives from drowning and recovered 150 bodies from the Missouri river
    The grateful citizens of St Joseph submitted a small building by the river's edge. The building no longer exists
    Photo #1 - an old postcard displaying his building near the Missouri river
    Photo #2 - Photo of Jack Ring
    Photo #3 - A building St Joseph residents gave Jack Ring
    Photo #4 - Article about Jack Ring saving St Joseph residents

    Circa 1875

    List of schools in St Joseph in 1875

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    Circa 1887
    624 Felix Street
    624 Felix Street
    624 Felix Street

    This bank was established in June 1887 with capital stock of $100,000
    The beginning officers of the bank were Henry Krug, president; Henry Krug Jr, Vice President; J. G. Schneider, Vice President and E.V. Harding, Cashier
    This beautiful bank is located on the southwest corner of 7th & Felix
    It later became the American National Bank
    It then later became the Pony Express Community Bank
    After Pony Express Community Bank closed it's doors, the bank sat empty for many years
    In late 2014, Mosiac (Heartland Hospital) purchased the building
    Mosiac will be moving the employees currently located in the old Venture Store at 137 North Belt Highway to this building
    Mosiac has also purchased the 2 adjacent buildings at 618 & 620 Felix, both will be razed to create an employee parking lot

    Photo #1 - Felix Street Main entrance
    Photo #2 - 7th Street Side entrance
    Photo #3 - Spiral Fire Escape - isn't it neat?
    Photo #4 - Originally was German American Bank
    Photo #5 - 1889 Plaque
    Photo #6 - Old photo of the bank with horse & buggy waiting outside
    Photo #7 - 2012 photo
    Photo #8 - 1912 German-American financial statement
    Photo #9 - Photo of a 1940's photo of the bank

    1 2 3

    Circa 1888
    715-717 Felix
    Demolished during Urban Renewal

    Mr Herr was a native of Pennsylvania, he came to St Joseph in 1888
    B.F. Herr Dry Goods was established in the fall of 1888, it was one of the largest department stores of it's time

    Photo #1 - 1894 BF Herr Dry Goods advertisement
    Photo #2 - aerial photo of BF Herr store
    Photo #3 - Looking west at 7th & Felix

    1 2 3

    Circa 1889
    10th & Penn

    One of the oldest banks in St Joseph Missouri
    It was established in 1889 with a capital stock of $40,000

    1 2
    Circa 1889

    Photo #1 - Looking West on Felix - unknown number street
    Photo #2 - Looking East on Felix - unknown number street

    1 2 3

    Circa 1890
    1221 South 6th

    The first depot opened 1890-1891
    In 1895 the original depot burned down
    In 1896, a new depot was built to replace the original
    Burlington razed the building in 1960 without notifying anyone

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

    Circa 1892
    300-308 North 3rd Street
    Circa 1940
    300 North 3rd Street
    300 North 3rd Street
    300 North 3rd Street

    J. D. Richardson Dry Goods building at 302 N. Third Street was constructed in 1892 for the Richardson, Roberts, Byrne Dry Goods Co. at a cost of $60,000. By 1900 the firm had become known as John D. Richardson Dry Goods. In 1901 $20,000 was spent on remodeling and another $40,000 in 1917. By this time it was the largest wholesale dry goods plant in the city.
    The current tenant at 302 N. Third Street, American Electric Co., was founded in 1897 as a wholesale electric supply house; it has also served as the wholesale franchise for Edison Mazda lamps, Maytag washers, General Electric refrigerators, and Crosley radios. The company was originally housed in the Market Square area, but was forced to relocate because of the projected central business district urban renewal project, which later resulted in the demolition of the Market Square area.
    It is adjacent to the Wholesale Row Historic District; is one block west of the Buchanan County Courthouse and two blocks north of the Missouri Valley Trust Company Historic District
    John D. Richardson, the majority stockholder of the dry goods firm, was born in 1847 in Dorchester County, Maryland and emigrated to St. Joseph in 1870. When Richardson arrived in St. Joseph, he was employed by the firm of Donnell and Saxton, one of the earliest business partnerships of the city. Donnell and Saxton were involved in the construction of the St. Joseph and Grand Island Railroad west from St. Joseph
    By 1882, Richardson had become a partner of John S. Brittain in the Brittain, Richardson & Co. wholesale dry goods firm. The building constructed by this company is a part of Wholesale Row Historic District
    In 1890 Richardson withdrew from the partnership with Brittain and formed his own firm
    His partners were Joseph F. Roberts and T.B. Byrne
    In 1892 the firm erected this magnificent seven story building at a cost of $60,000. By 1900 the firm had become known as John D. Richardson Dry Goods
    In 1901 $20,000 was spent on remodeling the building
    In 1917 another $40,000.00. By this time it was the largest wholesale dry goods plant in the city
    Following the death of Richardson in 1924, the firm remained in business for some years but had disappeared from the St. Joseph scene by 1930
    American Electric remained in this building until the 1970's Urban Renewal Program
    Photo #4 - 1899 Advertisement

    Circa 1894

    A map of St Joseph city streets as they appeared in 1894

    Circa 1897

    A map of St Joseph city streets as they appeared in 1897
    Map shows city bus routes and city limits

    1 2 3 4

    Circa 1899

    The 1899 New Era Exposition was located east of where Mark Twain School is now
    A new structure was built for the event
    A creek was turned into 2 small lakes
    The Exposition was scheduled to run from Sept 3, 1899 through Oct 5, 1899
    On Sept 15,1899 a fire broke out in the main hall
    The new electric lighting was blamed for the fire
    None of the Exposition remains today
    Photos #1,2 &4 are from St Joseph News-Press or Gazette newspapers

    1 2 3 4 5

    Circa 1904
    214-216 North 2nd Street

    Jamieson Machine Company was founded by William E. Jamieson and his two eldest sons in 1904. They built a two story brick building, 40 by 120 feet, at 213-215 North Second Street. It was adapted especially for a modern machine shop with the most modern equipment powered by electricity. Jamieson Machine shop is still in business in 2014

    Photo #1 - Front view of Jamieson Machine Shop
    Photo #2 - Rear view of Jamieson Machine Shop, the Wyeth building also visible

    1 2 3 4 5

    Circa 1906
    302-306 North 4th Street
    Circa 1916
    301 North 3rd Street
    Circa 1921
    302-306 North 4th Street
    Circa 1956
    302-306 North 4th Street

    Battreall Whittinghill Shoe was founded in 1902 by Charles August Battreall who started as a road salesman for Tootle, Hosea & Company. In 1891 he was in charge of their shoe department, which he purchased in 1902 as the foundation for his own company.
    By 1906, Battreall had built a new building at 302-306 N. Fourth Street; the second building was constructed in 1916 (301 N. Third Street), with a bridge connection, creating a complex which covered a full block of Jules Street. In 1920 the company was worth $1,200,000
    (1906; E.J. Eckel) Warehouse/Light Manufacturing Facility.
    Classical Revival influence. Five story brick building with simple projected metal cornice on facade, (matches 301 N. Third St.)
    Stone cartouches beneath fifth story level of building corners one to each elevation. 1/1 sash; fenestration sheathed on second through fourth stories, but rhythm of bays maintained within brick arcading. First story below stone stringcourse covered with panels; entry altered.
    Connected to 301 N. Third Street by "bridge." Alterations do not substantially impact the design or materials of building and are acceptable within the established registration requirements.
    Battreall was a major manufacturer of men, women and children's leather shoes. Photo #1 is an early 1900's photo of the Battreall-Whittingmill Shoe Company
    One of their buildings was located on the northwest corner of 4th & Jules Street and the 2nd was located at 301 North 3rd Street
    After extensive remodeling in 1956, it is currently the main headquarters of Hillyard Inc.
    The original auditorium can be seen in the far right side
    Photo #3 - Feb 1956 St Joseph News Press photograph
    Photo #5 - Remodeled main 4th Street entrance


    4 hotels in early downtown St Joseph that no longer exist

    Circa 1906

    In 1906 the St Joseph Light & Power Company sent these postcards out advertising the new technology of electric lights for houses

    1 2

    Circa 1908

    This is a 1908 postcard
    The photo was taken in front of the Union Depot on South 6th Street

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    Circa Early 1900's
    Missouri River

    St Joseph and the Missouri River was a busy trade route in the early 1900's

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    Circa 1900
    Circa 1950

    St Joseph riverfront photos taken from 1900 to 1950's

    Circa 1915

    Photo circa 1915

    1 2 3 4

    Circa 1905

    J. W. Whiteley around 1905 with his Dog and Pony Show which
    toured the Mid West at the turn of the 19th century
    J. W. Whiteley and his trained horse Sparkle (photo #2)
    Mr Whiteley passed away in 1951 at the age of 80
    J.W.Whiteley was Roger Seward and his sibling's grandfather

    Original Map of St Joseph


    This is the orginal street map of St Joseph Missouri

    Circa 1869

    Edmund J. Eckel (1854-1934) was a native of Alsace, France and a graduate of the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. John A!bury Bryan identified him as "the outstanding man in the history of the profession in the western section of the state."
    Edmund Eckel arrived in St. Joseph in 1869, joining the firm of Stigers and Boettner. Lewis Stigers, senior patner of the firm, had designed Patee House ( National Historic Landmark). In 1872, Eckel became a partner in the firm.
    From 1880 to 1891 and 1899 to 1904, he was partners with George R. Mann. Later partners included Walter Boschen, Will S. Aldrich and his son, George R. Eckel. George Eckel had as partners Aldrich and Otto Brunner. The firm exists today, with William Brunner, son of Otto, as the Senior partner.
    Edmund Eckel was a member of the Western Association of Architects from 1885 to 1889 when that organization merged with the American Institute of Architects. He was made a fellow of the A.I.J. in 1889, the same year he was commissioned to design the McAlister House.

    1 2

    Circa 1908

    Walter Boschen was born Dec. 30, 1881 in New Haven, Connecticut
    Walter Boschen relocated to St. Joseph to become Eckel's partner
    They remained partners from 1908-1911, when Boschen accepted an offer to relocated to New York City
    However, city leaders convinced Boschen to stay to see out the construction of the First Presbyterian Church which he designed along with Eckel
    They also convinced him of that fact that he would have plenty of opportunities to design other buildings in St. Joseph
    Their persistence paid off, and Walter Boschen stayed, forming his own independent practice until his death in 1959
    Walter Boschen also designed the 5 story Townsend & Wall building, St Joseph Country Club, the First Christian Church at lOth and Faraon and the Century Apartments at 25th and Union Street, numerous mansions and a house at 2801 Lovers Lane as shown in photo #2

    1 2 3

    Circa 1908

    1908 Postcards with these companies on the postcard face
    Tootle Dry Goods, Berry Foundry & Manufacturing and the Regier & Shoup Crockery Company

    Circa Unknown

    There was a time when mining was popular in the area
    This is a photo of St Joseph Miners
    I have no idea as to when this photo was taken

    Circa 1910

    The 4 downtown banks in 1910 were Tootle-Lemon National Bank, First National Bank, German-American Bank and the Merchants Bank

    1 2 3 4

    Circa 1913

    The monument stands in Patee Park in Saint Joseph
    across from the Pony Express Museum

    It was erected in memory of the birth of the Pony Express

    The dedication ceremony for the monument, which occurred on April 3, 1913, included Pony Express riders such as
    "Buffalo Bill" (William F. Cody), "Cyclone" Thompson, and Charlie Cliff

    The monument reads:
    This monument erected by the Daughters of the American Revolution
    and the city of St. Joseph, marks the place were the
    first Pony Express Started on April 3, 1860-1912

    Photo #1 - the April 3, 1913 dedication
    Photo #2 - a current photo submitted by Terry McGinnis
    Photo #3 - Circa 1913 photo
    Photo #4 - 1913 St Joseph News Press photo Patee Park ceremony

    Circa 1914

    Photo - A 1915 publication telling about the Y's St Joseph had in 1914

    Circa 1918

    The Parkway System was developed in 1918 by architect George Burnap
    St Joseph was one of the first cities in the U.S. to develop such a parkway system

    In 1995, our Parkway System was placed on the National Register of Historic Places

    The St. Joseph Park and Parkway System is a connected group of parks and park system drives, running generally north/south from Krug Park on the north to Hyde Park on the south

    The Parkway System winds through St Joseph for a total 26 miles of roadway

    The distance from Krug Park to Hyde Park is 18.68 miles

    It's a beautiful drive from one end of the city to the other end as it winds and snakes over the hills and past some residential areas

    The Parkway system connects many parks and recreation areas throughout the city

    The city is currently building and has built numerous walking/biking trails that parallel the Parkway. No motorized vehicles are allowed on the trails

    Circa 1921

    This is an example of dirt alleys back in the 1920's
    In almost 100 years, they haven't changed all that much

    Photo #1 - 1923 dirt street
    Photo #2 - 1923 dirt street
    Photo #3 - 1934 dirt street

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    Circa March 1923

    Over 50 buildings were damaged on Saturday afternoon, March 4, 1923. 9 persons were injured, none seriously
    The above photos were published in the St Joseph News-Press on March 5, 1923

    1 2 3

    Circa 1923-1934

    Into the 1930's, there were still dirt streets in St Joseph
    I can remember in the late 1960's Woodbine road was still a gravel road

    Photo #1 - 1923 dirt street
    Photo #2 - 1923 dirt street
    Photo #3 - 1934 dirt street

    1 2

    Circa 1915

    In 1915, St Joseph Light and power displayed this sign on their building
    November 11, 1928 St Joseph News-Press advertisement - 2005 Lovers Lane

    Circa 1928

    In 1928, this was the St Joseph Missouri water front

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

    Circa 1929
    US Highway 36

    This was the Pony Express Bridge that once spanned the Missouri River at St. Joseph. Anyone traveling west on US 36 Highway had to cross this bridge
    The bridge was constructed in 1929
    The bridge was removed in 1984 at the age of 55 years
    The East Span was demolished on February 17, 1984 at 9:13 AM
    The West Span was demolished on March 14, 1984 at 10:02 AM
    Photos #13-25 were taken by Steve Roberts
    The Pony Express bridge was once a beautiful bridge but it was slowly deteriorating
    In 1983, they began replacing the dilapidated Pony Express Bridge that spanned the Missouri River with a new twin span bridge
    Back in the 1960's, we made a lot of trips over the old bridge to Wathena, Kansas. Every weekend was a trip for many 18 year olds to Jack's Tavern in Wathena. Many of those who went to Junior College made trips between classes. It was a neat looking bridge, but it was in terrible condition
    The new bridges are a major improvement

    Photo #1 - The Pony Express Bridge opening ceremony in 1929
    Photo #2 - The bridge as seen from the river
    Photo #3 - The new bridges under construction and the old bridge prior to it's razing
    Photo #4 - Distant view of the new Missouri River bridge
    Photo #5 - Close up of the new bridge and the old bridge prior to razing
    Photo #6 - Taken in 1982 prior to demolition, new piers installed
    Photo #7 - Pony Express bridge demolition
    Photo #8 - 1979 Newspaper photo: Crews installing signals to control traffic
    Photo #9 - Postcard when the bridge was in it's glory
    Photo #10 - The Pony Express Bridge
    Photo #11 - Pony Express bridge demolition
    Photo #12 - Pony Express Bridge in it's glory
    Photos #13-25 of the bridge demolition were taken by Steve Roberts
    Photo #26 - Edmond C Olson Sr Center Line Striping - August 20, 1929
    Photo #27 - Edmond C Olson Sr Center Line Striping - August 20, 1929
    Photo #28 - Edmond C Olson Sr Center Line Striping - August 20, 1929
    Photo #29 - Looking west towards the river and Kansas, the Pony Express Bridge is visible
    Photo #30 - The old and new US 36 Highway Pony Express Bridges side by side
    Photo #31 - The new US36 bridge as seen from Kansas
    Photo #32 - Kansas City Times newspaper photo
    Photo #33 - 1929 NewsPress photo - workment building the Kansas side of the bridge

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    Circa 1930

    Sig Smith and his wife, Babe, had a flying circus in St Joseph.
    They would perform aerobatics and parachuting from an airplane
    In September 1930, St Joseph City Council funded Sig a South American trip to represent St Joseph. See Photo #2
    One of the airplanes they used was a Bird-Wing aircraft built in St Joseph at the time. Bird-Wing was located near where the Casino is located today. See photo #5
    In 1930, his wife Babe, set a parachuting record. See photos #3 & #4
    As per the 1930 City Directory: "Sig Smith, Avaitor, 324 N. 9th Street"
    The building no longer exists
    So far, no records beyond 1930 have been located concerning Sig Smith
    Babe contracted TB in 1936 and passed away in 1939
    Photos and clippings help explain some of Sig Smith's adventures

    1 2 3

    Circa 1932
    St Joseph City Treasurer
    Circa 1936
    St Joseph Mayor

    Phil Welch was born in St. Joseph, Missouri on April 4, 1895
    Mr Welch was in the furniture business from 1916-1931
    He was St Joseph City Treasurer from 1932-1936
    He was St Joseph Mayor from 1936-1946
    Welch was a US Congressman. Elected to represent Missouri's 3rd District in the United States House of Representatives, serving from 1949 to 1953
    Served as a Delegate to the Democratic National Convention from Missouri in 1944
    Phil Welch remained a resident of St. Joseph until his death on April 26, 1963
    He is buried in Memorial Park Cemetery
    Phil Welch Stadium was named in his honor in 1964

    Photo #1 - 1938 campaign card when he was running for his 2nd term
    Photo #2 - Facial photo that I found on Findagrave dot com
    Photo #3 - Cemetary headstone photo that I found on Findagrave dot com

    Circa 1940

    1940 St Joseph News-Pres newspaper photo & information
    Photo submitted by Carol Stephens

    1 2 3

    Circa 1941
    105 North 19th Street

    This mansion was located on the southeast corner of 19th & Felix

    Built in 1890, this was the J. W. McAlister Mansion located at 105 North 19th Street

    J. W. McAlister, a prominent St Joseph banker, lived in this mansion until 1903

    It was purchased in 1906 by A. J. August
    A. J. August was the owner of the A. J. August Clothing Company

    A. J. August lived in this mansion until his death in 1940

    The mansion was bequeathed to the St Joseph Museum in 1941

    The mansion served as St Joseph Museum from 1941 to 1947

    In 1947, due to insufficient space, the St Joseph Museum was moved to the
    Wyeth-Tootle Mansion at 11th & Charles

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    Circa 1945

    In 1945, there were 9 Herman Drug Stores located around St Joseph
    Above are a few photos I have of the Herman Drug Store buildings
    None of the Herman Drug Stores are in business today
    Four of the 9 buildings have been razed, they no longer exist
    The 11th & Hickory building, last to be razed in the 1980's
    I am looking for photos of those Herman Drug Stores that no longer exist
    Those buildings were located at 11 & Frederick, 4th & Edmond, 6th & Hickory and an outside photo for the one at 11th & Hickory

    Photo #1 - 1945 Herman publication showing names, addresses and phone numbers of stores
    Photo #2 - Hermans Drugs on the Northeast corner at 6th & Edmond, razed due to 1960 fire
    Photo #3 - Inside view of Hermans Drugs at 1th & Hickory, building was razed in the 1980's
    Photo #4 - Hermans Drugs, 26th & Mitchell Avenue, has changed hands many times
    Photo #5 - Hermans Drugs, 7th & Edmond, has changed hands several times
    Photo #6 - Herman Drugs, 6th & Angelique, one of the 1st ones to close it's doors
    Photo #7 - Herman Drugs, 26th & Frederick, a Grand Opening advertisement
    Photo #8 - Herman Drugs, 26th & Frederick, is now a Roger's Pharmacy

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    Circa 1947
    1100 Charles Street

    William and Eliza Wyeth requested legendary architect E.J. Eckel to design the 1879 Wyeth-Tootle Mansion to resemble the castles they had seen on the Rhine River as they were traveling in Germany
    Over one million bricks were used in the construction and the front portion of the building was covered with native sandstone
    The original St Joseph Museum was located at 19th & Felix
    It was in the McAlister/A. J. August mansion and had outgrown the mansion
    This mansion was purchased from the Tootle family in 1947 by William Goetz and the Goetz Brewery for $35,000 and was gifted to the St. Joseph Museum
    Mr. Goetz also purchased and gifted the Harry L. George Native American collection, which is the most significant part of the Museum's collections
    The Museum board raised $35,000 to renovate the structure into a museum
    In 1948, voters approved a tax levy for supporting a municipal museum
    In 1953, the St. Joseph Museum deeded the mansion to the City of St Joseph
    Besides having run out of space for more exhibits, the mansion also lacked climate control for proper storage of the many delicate Native American artifacts
    An opportunity was offered to take over the Glore Psychiatric Museum
    The Glore Museum had been operated by the State Hospital on Frederick Avenue
    This move provided a ten-fold increase in space and a better climate control
    In 2004, most of the exhibits were relocated to the Glore Museum site
    This move allowed for the restoration of the mansion's interior
    The dining room is now furnished with the gift of the Wyeth table service
    Some years ago, one of the bedrooms was restored on the second floor
    Other second floor rooms have been renovated for temporary exhibits
    Exhibits such as "Enterprising St. Joseph" featuring products developed by local companies
    Also a recreation of the architect Edmund J. Eckel's office has been completed
    The City of St. Joseph has been restoring the exterior of the mansion in phases, beginning with the front elevation
    The Wyeth-Tootle Mansion is owned by the City of St. Joseph and operated as a Museum under contract with the St. Joseph Museums, Inc.

    The above information was provided by David W. Lewis Jr.
    (Museum Board President)

    Photo #1 - Old color photo
    Photo #2 - 2008 Color photo
    Photo #3 - Interior photo
    Photo #4 - 1950's photo
    Photo #5 - Old photo
    Photo #6 - Current Photo
    Photo #7 - Very old photo
    Photo #8 - Old postcard
    Photo #9 - Color photo
    Photo #10 - St Joseph Museum
    Photo #11 - Museum Hill Photo
    Photo #12 - Museum Hill description

    Circa 1940's

    Such an old St Joseph Railway Steam Engine on display
    Wonder what happened to this relic? Was this in St Joseph?
    I am not able to locate any information on this item

    Circa 1940-1950



    Top left: St Joseph Main Public Library
    Center: Federal Building
    Bottom left: Central Police Station
    Top right: St Joseph Union Station
    Bottom right: Market Square

    Circa 1968

    Sonny Myers was a famous wrestler and became Sheriff in the late 1960's

    1 2

    Wayne VanZandt

    Photos - Oct 27, 1974 St Joseph News-Press
    This man sold hot tamales out of his cart, they were very good tamales
    In the early 1960's, when the record hop at the Eagles Lodge was over, I would see him on the corner selling his tamales
    The man sold an awful lot of tamales

    Circa 1970's
    Missouri River

    A riverboat in the 1970's that took passengers up the river for short tours

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Circa 1960's-1979
    New US 36 Highway & I-229 Construction

    Photo #1 - 1979 St Joseph News-Press photo showing construction of the new West Belt Artery in downtown St Joseph
    The artery connects downtown to I-229 which is a dual level 2 lane highway that runs along the Missouri River
    I-229 then connects to the new US 36 Highway and then continues on to also connect to I-29 Interstate highway
    Photo #2 - St Joseph News-Press West Belt bridge photo & article
    Photo #3 - Moving a house in the way while building new US 36 Highway
    Photo #4 - Cleared land for the new US 36 Highway to be contructed upon
    Photo #5 - Building 22nd Street Bridge over new US 36 Highway
    Photo #6 - Building 22nd Street Bridge over new US 36 Highway
    Photo #7 - New US 36 Highway Bridge & I-229 as seen from Kansas


    Postcard - looking north from the Francis Street train depot


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    In recent years the city has leveled Devil's Backbone
    The city turned the area into a large city park
    A new St Joseph elementary school has been built in this area

    Photo #1 - Devils Backbone as seen from the southern downtown area
    Photo #2 - Devils Backbone as viewed in the 1700 block of south 12th Street
    Photo #3 - Rick Drozd hill climbing on Devil Backbone back in the early 1970's
    Photo #4 - A view in the heart of the mountain
    Photo #5 - House at 2101 South 14th St that was built in 1893
    Photo #6 - 1947 photo of Devils Backbone
    Photo #7 - 1910 photo of Devils Backbone

    1 2

    Circa 1994
    Missouri River

    This was fun and quite unique, unfortunately it didn't last long
    The casino built a new and huge casino north of the city on Waterworks Road

    1 2 3 4


    Photo #1 - Seeing St Joseph 40's,50's weekly publication
    Photo #2 - Circa 1965 - John Cameron Swayzee advertisement
    Photo #3 - Circa 1907 - Lake Contrary brochure
    Photo #4 - Old St Joseph Points of Interest Map

    1 2 3 4 5 6

    124 South 8th
    713 Edmond Street

    His ticket office was located in this block long building
    Photo #2 shows Victory Restaurant owners Chris & Gus Marolis (standing) and seated in the center are Jack Dempsy and Gus Karris (famous wrestling promoter)

    Photo #1 - Wrestling promoter Gust Karras walking at 8th & Edmond Street
    Photo #2 - Gust Karras having lunch with Jack Dempsey at the Victory Restaurant
    Photo #3 - Gust Karras
    Photo #4 - Gust Karras in 1928
    Photo #5 - Building where his office was located
    Photo #6 - Nov 20. 1972 St Joseph News-Press article about Gust
    Photos #3 & 4 submitted by Brooke Hickman

    1 2 3 4

    3rd & Poulin

    Robidoux Row is a series of connected apartments located at 3rd & Poulin Streets

    Construction of Robidoux Row began in the 1840's and was completed in the late 1850's

    The structure was given the name of Robidoux Row

    Today, after having survived many years of neglect, the four remaining units of Robidoux Row have been restored and has been turned it into a museum

    Photo #1 - Robidoux Row that Joseph Robidoux built in the 1850's
    Photo #2 - Robidoux Row as it appeared in 1957
    Photo #3 - Robidoux Row as it now appears
    Photo #4 - 1891 photo

    Circa 1951

    The wall on the left can be found on the south side of Jules Street near 15th St
    The wall on the right is the wall surrounding Mount Mora Cemetary
    Photo - St Joseph News-Press 1951 article about the walls

    1 2 3 Downtown4 Smith Market5 6 7th Felix7 8 Pony Express Motel9 10 11 12 13 14 15


    Photo #1 - Players Cocktail Lounge
    Photo #2 - Blue Town Tavern
    Photo #3 - Night spots advertisement
    Photo #4 - Jerome Lounge
    Photo #5 - Rusty's Place
    Photo #6 - Shangri La Lounge
    Photo #7 - Hitching Post
    Photo #8 - 3 Frog Hop Ballrooms
    Photo #9 - Captains Lounge
    Photo #10 - Belt Drive-in Theater
    Photo #11 - Skylark Drive-in Theater
    Photo #12 - Cowtown Drive-in Theater

    Circa 1989


    1 2


    Photo #2 was taken in 1928 from the Kansas side

    Circa: 1950


    Atop Prospect Hill in North St Joseph overlooking the Missouri River

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    Circa 1925

    The first designated landing strip in St. Joseph was at East Hills Country Club, which is now Stonecrest
    In 1922 Carl Wolfley warned St. Joseph "would miss the boat" if it didn't establish a municipal airport.
    He recommended a 73-acre tract south of the city near Lake Contrary
    The first airport was near Lake Contrary and dedicated on May 12, 1923
    It was named for Sgt. Guy Wallace Rosecrans
    Rosecrans was killed in France during World War I in 1918.
    He accidently walked into a whirling propeller blade
    On September 30, 1925, St. Joseph was on the Commercial Airplane Reliability Tour, and the first air mail service started May 12, 1926.
    There was two commercial flights each day from Rosecrans.
    We haven't had such service since 1959
    A memorial granite stone naming Rosecrans Field has followed the airport from Lake Contrary to a new French Bottoms airfield
    In 1935 the Commerce Department declared the old Rosecrans as "the most ridiculous location for an airport they had ever seen," noting the runway took off directly into the path of the cliff of Wyeth Hill.
    Airmail canceled their service here
    The city soon picked a swampy area west of French Bottoms as its third airfield. The "new" Rosecrans was finally finished and the 400-acre field was dedicated on May 25, 1940
    It was called "the nation's best" and it cost $200,000.
    During WWII. the pilots were trained at the field and it was an important depot with more than 225 building added.
    In 1946, the Air Guard came to Rosecrans
    In 1953, a new control tower was built
    In 1956, a new water tower was constructed
    Photo #37, St Joseph News Press photograph

    Photo #1 - Rosecrans 1949
    Photo #2 - Rosecrans 1959
    Photo #6 - 1951 Airport Coffee Shop advertisement
    Photo #7 - 1952 photo showing them changing the river channel
    Photo #8 - Missouri Air National Guard at Rosecrans Field
    Photo #9 - Missouri Air National Guard at Rosecrans Field
    Photo #10 - Missouri Air National Guard at Rosecrans Field
    Photo #11 - Missouri Air National Guard at Rosecrans Field
    Photo #12 - Aerial view of Rosecrans Field
    Photo #13 - 1946 American Airlines DC-4 Flagship St Joseph
    Photo #14 - Very old photo of St Joseph Airport
    Photo #15 - 1950 map how people used to get to Rosecrans before the flood
    Photo #16 - 1952 flood view from Wyeth Hill
    Photo #17 - 1950 photo of Missouri Air National Guard at Rosecrans Field
    Photo #18 - 1935 flight path to airport
    Photo #19 - 1942 aerial photo
    Photo #20 - 1952 flood damage, US Highway 36 near Elwood
    Photo #21 - Cars waiting on a barge to be taken across the flooded Missouri river
    Photo #22 - 1953 Missouri Air National Guard open house
    Photo #23 - Prior to the floods, Rosecran Airfield used to be off Waterworks Road
    Photo #24 - Prior to the floods, Rosecran Airfield used to be off Waterworks Road
    Photo #25 - Matchbook cover
    Photo #26 - Rosecrans Field before the Missouri was diverted in 1952
    Photo #27 - 1970 United Airlines airplane at Rosecrans
    Photo #28 - Braniff Airlines DC-3 at Rosecrans Field
    Photo #29 - Braniff Airlines DC-3 at Rosecrans Field
    Photo #30 - Frontier Airlines Convair 340 at Rosecrans Field
    Photo #31 - Missouri Air National Guard's Eagle's Nest Club at Rosecrans Field
    Photo #32 - Sept 1, 1927 The first passenger plane out of Rosecrans Airport
    Photo #33 - 1953 St Joseph News Press photo - new Rosecrans Control Tower
    Photo #34 - 1956 News Press photo - Rosecrans gets a new water tower
    Photo #35 - 1951 - Proposed new building for Rosecran's airport - News-Press photo
    Photo #36 - 1953 - Students visit Rosecrans Field - SJ Newspress photo
    Photo #37 - 1926 Charles “Cyclone” Thompson greets the first air mail flight to Rosecrans

    Missouri River


    Photo submitted by Brooke Hickman


    Circa 1988

    St Joseph Riverfront Park monument dedicated in 1988

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    Circa 2001
    Missouri River

    The Spirit of St Joseph Riverboat docked at St Jo Frontier Casino
    When the casino opened it appropriated a tourist riverboat The Spirit of St. Joseph that operated out of Riverside Park
    It did not have authorization to have slot machines and only card games could be played
    The riverboat went on excursions on the river which caused some jurisdiction issues with neighboring Kansas


    Feel free to email me with any photo donations, comments or questions
    Rick Drozd

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